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FAQs: making the shift to temporary work

Thinking of making the shift to temporary work? How exciting! But before you do, we’re assuming you have a few questions…

Carry on reading for our most FAQs from new interim workers. 

Pay rates

As an interim, you should legally be getting paid the equivalent hourly rate to your full-time counterparts.

Top tip: do your market research ahead of the interview to make sure you’re getting a fair deal!

Annual leave

Statutory holiday entitlement in the UK is 28 days (5.6 weeks). Your employer will decide whether or not to include bank holidays as part of this.

Your holiday will be calculated on a pro-rata basis if you, for example, work fewer than 5 days a week or on a 5 month contract. 

Plus, working as an interim means you have as much time as you choose to jet off between contracts!

Will I receive maternity pay?

In order to qualify for statutory maternity pay, you must:

  • Make minimum £123 a week
  • Provide proof that you’re pregnant (e.g. a letter from your doctor/midwife). 
  • Give your employer notice (at least 15 weeks before your due date). 
  • You must have been employed by the same company for the last 26 weeks.

It’s best to let your employer know early so you can discuss the options available. 

Am I eligible for sick pay? 

Yes, part-time workers will receive sick pay if they are ill for more than four consecutive days, earn a minimum of £123 a week and follow company guidelines on reporting sickness. 

What about training opportunities? 

It is against the law for employers to exclude part time employees from training or career development opportunities. So don’t worry about missing out – your professional development will still be taken just as seriously!

Am I entitled to a pension? 

In most cases, yes. Luckily for you, we wrote an article on that exact topic here

We hope you found this article helpful – if you still have questions about applying for an interim role, make sure to get in touch with the team on 0203 929 4000.

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