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Acing your next online application

Applying for a new role? Here’s how to ace your application in three easy steps. 

Plan ahead 

Make notes before you dive into writing long answers, otherwise, you risk waffling and missing out on key points. It’s also important to read the job specification carefully – it might even be worth printing it out so you can highlight key skills and experience that the employer is looking for. On a separate piece of paper (or online doc), jot down how you meet these requirements, using specific examples to back up each point. Don’t forget to check if there is a word count as some companies will dismiss your dazzling application if it is too long or too short. 

Use the STAR method

The STAR method is an easy and effective way to help you craft detailed and relevant responses to application questions. It stands for Situation, Task, Action, and Result: 

  • Situation: Describe the specific situation or scenario you were facing. Provide context to help the interviewer understand the circumstances of the situation.
  • Task: Explain the task or challenge that arose in that situation. Clearly state what was required or what goal you needed to achieve.
  • Action: Detail the actions you took to address the situation and accomplish the task. Be specific and highlight the steps you followed and the skills you utilised.
  • Result: Share the outcome or results of your actions. Explain the impact of your efforts and emphasise any positive results or lessons learned.

This approach can also be used in your interview as it allows you to demonstrate your abilities and experiences in a concise and organised manner.


Imagine how devastated you’d be if you spent hours and hours on an application, only to later discover a pesky spelling mistake or a clumsy typo. Give your application its best shot and proofread it before clicking ‘submit’! Even better, ask a trusted friend to read through your answers – it’s easier to spot errors as a second party than it is your own work. We also recommend saving your answers in a separate online document as they might come in useful for future applications. 

Here at Imperium Resourcing, we are committed to helping our candidates achieve their career aspirations. Give us a call on 0203 929 4000 to learn more about our current opportunities.

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