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6 myths about interim CV writing

Looking for a new interim role? Before you even think of applying for anything you need to make sure your CV is looking its best. But how do interim CVs differ to those of candidates hankering for full-time roles? In this blog, we set the record straight by debunking 6 c ommon myths about interim CV writing. 


Myth 1: There’s a one-size-fits-all format


First and foremost, it’s essential to recognise that there’s no universal template for an interim CV that guarantees success. While structure and presentation are crucial, they’re not the sole determinants of your CV’s efficacy. Rather than fixating on a magic format, focus on crafting a clear, concise document that effectively communicates your experience and capabilities.


Myth 2: Your CV is a marketing tool


Contrary to popular belief, your CV isn’t a glossy brochure designed to dazzle prospective employers. Instead, think of it as a user manual—a documentation of your professional journey, skills, and achievements. Its purpose is to supplement conversations and interviews, providing concrete evidence of your qualifications rather than initiating interest on its own.


Myth 3: Your CV should speak for itself


While a well-written CV is undoubtedly valuable, it’s essential to remember that it typically accompanies prior interactions. By the time your CV reaches a potential employer, they likely already have some understanding of who you are and what you bring to the table. Therefore, view your CV as a reinforcement of your capabilities rather than a standalone introduction.


Myth 4: You must have interim experience on your CV


The content and structure of your interim CV should evolve alongside your career. For seasoned interim professionals, your CV may highlight a breadth of diverse projects and assignments. However, if you’re new to interim work, emphasise significant tasks or projects from your previous permanent roles that mirror interim responsibilities. Tailor your CV to reflect your current career stage and aspirations.


Myth 5: It’s all about data


While data can undoubtedly bolster your CV’s credibility, don’t fall into the trap of prioritizing statistics over substance. The STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Results) format is a useful framework for demonstrating your impact, but don’t feel constrained by it. Ultimately, employers are interested in understanding the value you bring beyond mere numbers.


Myth 6: More is better


When it comes to CVs, simplicity often reigns supreme. A cluttered document packed with irrelevant details can dilute your message and detract from your qualifications. Instead, opt for a straightforward format that highlights your name, contact information, a brief personal summary, a summary of roles, career history, and relevant academic qualifications. Keep it concise, focusing on quality over quantity.


In conclusion, crafting an effective interim CV involves debunking common myths and focusing on what truly matters: clear communication of your skills, experiences, and achievements. Rather than chasing elusive formatting tricks, prioritise authenticity, relevance, and clarity in your CV to stand out in the competitive interim job market.

CV ready to go? Send it our way and our dedicated consultants will help place you in an interim role that matches your needs and career aspirations.

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